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Our Place in Jewish History


SINCE WE STOOD AT MOUNT SINAI and throughout numerous long and difficult exiles, the Jewish People has always been committed - above all else - to preserving our mesorah as a People who study and live by the Book.  Even in the face of adversity, Jews have overcome their circumstances and managed to elevate their minds and hearts to soaring heights, even as the world around them was crumbling.  They preserved Torah scholarship, and rose to the highest echelons of contribution to humanity – always pursuing the ideal of being a “light unto the nations.”


Each generation has had its challenges, and especially in our post-Holocaust era, the challenge of rebuilding and moving onward is squarely in our consciousness.  The decades before us have seen heroic leadership and advances, but we may not rest on these successes.  Each generation has its own calling.


The Philadelphia Jewish community has been blessed with incredible growth, owing to the selflessness and vision of those who came before us.  However, we must continue to build.  The Mesivta is very gratified to play a pivotal role in shaping the educational and chinuch character of the young men of our community and beyond.  We enjoy watching our students’ passion grow in the realms of both Torah and general education. 


We are energized when thinking of our undertaking from the perspective of our own communal need; we are overwhelmed with inspiration when viewing it from the broader context of our role, the timeless Jewish mission.

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