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Below are some questions that students and parents may want to ask rebbeim from visiting yeshivos.  These are also good things to think about to help you clarify your own needs and ambitions.

  • What is the yeshiva’s seder hayom?

  • Is second seder dedicated entirely to Gemora or are there machashava/mussar/other options for learning?

  • What high schools do the students come from?

  • Are the students more from the NY area or more from “out-of-town” communities?

  • How many boys to a dorm room? Is there A/C?

  • What percent of the boys return for shana bet?

  • What colleges recognize the yeshiva’s credits/how many?

  • Does the yeshiva use the “common application” for applying to the yeshiva?

  • Do the rebbeim live near the yeshiva? Do boys visit for Shabbos?

  • Are there students of other nationalities? Israelis?

  • Are any shiurim in Ivrit?

  • How large are the shiurim?

  • Are there shabbatons/trips? How often?

  • Organized sports – if/when? Fitness room?

  • What is full tuition? [Most yeshivos are approximately $22,000.00, aside from airfare and incidental expenses.]

  • Are scholarships available and what is the application process?

  • What is the nature of off-hours supervision, curfew, etc.? Are the boys allowed off-grounds? Where do most go for Shabbos/Yom Tov?

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