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Daily Schedules


Mesivta Schedule Outline-2019-2020


Mesivta students’ daily course schedules are carefully crafted to meet their individual needs and academic ambitions.  Schedules vary from day to day and from student to student.  Numerous courses are “tracked” and divisions do not always follow grade level.  The schedule below is meant merely as an overview of Mesivta’s course offerings and student schedules.


8:00 - 9:30 AM - Shacharis & Breakfast



Shiurim in Mussar, Gemora, Halacha, and Tanach

10:40-11:00 AM – Break

12:50-1:20 PM - Lunch



Courses include:  Mathematics, Language Arts, History, Science, Physical Education

Mathematics:  Algebra II, Accelerated Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, Business Math, Statistics

Science:  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Senior Science Seminar

History:  World History, American History, American History AP

5:30 PM – Dismissal

Night Seder* (5:30-7:00 PM)

5:30 PM – Supper

6:00-7:00 PM Seder

*Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Night Seder – Optional

In-Depth study of sugyos for Model Bais Din Program

*Thursday Night Seder – Mandatory

                Review for Friday morning bechinos

Sundays (for Limudei Kodesh) alternate between mandatory  (for ALL SHIUR LEVELS) and BMK-Only; 8:45 AM to 12:30 PM.  


Please refer to the Helpful Links section on our website's landing page, and click the button entitled "Sunday Schedule" for the complete  2019-2020 Sunday schedule.


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